From Our Dot

From Our Dot

My place to share whatever I create - Jelle Mes


Event photography Event photography is what I started out with and still love doing. Whether it is at a concert, night club or sports event, the dynamic nature of it gives many opportunities for unique,...


Writeups about whatever comes to my mind, be it coastal geomorphology, photography, urban planning, anything really.


Over the years I have worked on many research projects. Here a few of them are listed. Deblending FIR/submm images with deep neural networks Far-Infrared (FIR) and submillimeter (submm) observations are generally performed using space-based...


Every single day I feel the innate urge to create, on any of the thousands of topics that I am interested in. To be able to share this gives great joy, therefore the existence of this website you have opened. On here you can find a collection of things that I am involved in or have worked on before, if possible in a decently finalized state. I hope you will enjoy peeking around here!